Annyka Bekkers, BlowPop Skins, sent me over some of her skins a while back and I really, really, like the make up on these skins. There are three jewelled eye shadows with several lip colors and skin tones. Shown above are three of my favorites the Mellie2 in Honey emerald with clear gloss, Mellie2 in Honey amethyst with satin blush gloss and Mellie2 in Honey sapphire with precious rose gloss. Check out Annyka's Blog for more details.

But Wait! Lets not forget the rest of my ensemble, I am all decked out here in Eolande Elvehjem's Petite Snowflake Accessories, both the petite necklace and the choker, and the earrings and bracelet. These are very delicate and are a great choice to dress up a gown during the winter months. Accessories by Eolande SLURL.
The delightful teal party dress is from Pin Upshaw, and was given to me as a gift by a very dear friend. I had to show it off. If you haven't seen Pin's work and love retro and classy designs, she is one I recommend. Simple yet elegant. Pin Up Dolls Boutique SLURL.
We'd never want to forget the shoes! AS IF!!! These cuties are from Rowan Carroll of She's So Unusual Shoes, the Black Cool Crystal Heels. Rowan has such unique designs...I mean she has a heel with a monkey caged??? It's always fun to see what she will come up with next.
So that's all for now...I'm off to put together the most perfect New Year's outfit...there is never rest for the wicked!